Mountain Trekking in Nepal - 30 Suggestions

Whether you're into rock climbing or bird watching, on a tight budget or have money to hire porters and guides, you can always find a suitable trekking route in Nepal. A trip to the Nepal Himalayas is a fantastic experience for most of us, offering views of snow-capped mountain peaks and a chance to meet indigenous mountain peoples who live almost cut off from the rest of the world. All that's required of you is that you like walking in the nature. You don't have to be super fit for every trek, but the better shape you're in, the easier your trek will be. The top season for trekking in Nepal is October-November and February-April. In the summer months the monsoon clouds obscure the grand views most of the time and in the winter months the high mountain passes are closed by heavy snow-fall. But with the right knowledge, you can always find a good trek in Nepal. Just browse through this list to get an overview of your options. Nepal's Western Region 1. Simi...